vineri, 28 ianuarie 2011

corset nails

for this mani i was inspired from heidi blog,hope you like it,xoxo
pasul 1 facem cate o dunga alba pe fiecare unghie in mijloc
pasul 2 trasam cu rosu in dreapta si in stanga cate o dunga
pasul 4 cu o scobitoare sau dotting tool facem puncte egale cu mov
pasul 5 trasam liniile cu verde ca niste sireturi de corset
pasul 6 aplicam topcoat

joi, 13 ianuarie 2011

pink and blue nails

Zilele acestea nu am avut chef de nimic asa ca am optat pt ceva f simplu de facut .
Sper sa va placa xoxo

sâmbătă, 8 ianuarie 2011

neon nails

This time i tried to make photos by steps.
Hope you liked it,xoxo

miercuri, 5 ianuarie 2011

christmas gift cadoul de craciun de la o prietena draga

This Cristmas i recived a huge package from my friend Claudia alias joey .
I want to thank her for beeing my friend in all those year even if the distance cant let us meet.She is a very kind,generous and passionate for blogging.
Thank you again,i love all the stuff you sent me ,i like the sweets,the samples,bracelat,the products,everything.She also sent samples of italian companys like bottega verde, l"erbolario.
Here are some photos with the gift she sent to me from Italy:

duminică, 2 ianuarie 2011

my new years mani

This is what i did for new year 2011.I hope you like it girls,kisses.